Friday, February 13, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Do now 2/12/09

DO NOW; How can learning about powerpoint help me in the real world?
  In the real world the power points can help me if I need to show my boss or anyone something.  Like in the butterfly park they showed us a power point and it showed the life cycle of a butterfly. It can also help me in school if they give me an assignment. Making a power point is not easy but it can help you in a lot of things like at work. If your a doctor and you need to show the other doctors how the person got sick you could do that. Its helpful in many ways.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DO NOW; How do you see yourself using a computer in the future?
When I'm in college I will be using one. That computer will help me in projects and assignment that they give me. If I can't  understand something I will go to the computer and see what it can help me on. I  won't copy what it says because thats plajerism  I will put it in my on words. I also see myself using it at work, maybe I'll become a veternarian, radiologist, or a pediatrician. I can see myself in the future with a computer and my future job. Its a good image in my mind and wonderful thing that will maybe happen.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

DO NOW:How can learning  about the computer parts help me in the real world?
    It can help me in the real world if I want to work with technology. If I want to work as 
  a person who fixes computers than my goal would be to learn everything I can about computers.Or when your at your house and all of a sudden the computer shuts down you could fix it.  Even when you work at a store or office almost everywhere you go you have to deal with a computer. It might be hard to learn everything and remember it but sometimes its worth it. you never know when the computer will shut or break down.